
Friday 19 October 2012

Pencarian resep butter cream I

Lihat tampilan cake berlapis butter cream yang seliweran di google, bikin aku tergerak untuk coba belajar riasan cake. Namun sebelumnya haruslah ketemu dulu resep butter cream yang yahud sebelum mulai merias cake. Menurutku butter cream yang oke itu tidak ngendal (nga pada, kata orang minang), soft artinya ringan baik dari segi tekstur maupun kandungan lemaknya, gurih, dan tentunya tahan lama di suhu ruang (nga melting saat cuaca rada hangat). Cari mencari, akhirnya ku tertarik untuk nyoba resep yang ada di Blognya oke karena dia sertakan proses pembuatan besarta gambarnya. Baiklah, ini resepnya (untuk lebih lengkap bisa lihat di sini):

Vanilla Frosting
Recipe courtesy of Pioneer Woman

5 Tablespoons Flour (1 tablespoon = 15 ml)
1 cup Milk (1 cup cairan = 250 gr=250 ml)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 cup Butter  (1 cup Butter =225 gr)
3/4 cup Caster Sugar (Not coarse sugar, not brown sugar, not icing sugar), ini gula pasir yang dihaluskan, bisa dihaluskan pakai blender ( 1 cup gula pasir halus = 225 gr)

1. In a small saucepan, whisk flour into milk.
2. Turn on the heat to medium and continously stir until it thickens in order to avoid lumps. DO NOT STOP STIRRING.

3. Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature. Please make sure that the mixture is cooled complete or it will melt the butter. When it's cool, stir in vanilla.
(a) To make the cooling process faster, I put the mixture in a stainless steel bowl, put it in the freezer for maybe 20-30 seconds. Take it out. Continue stirring. Repeat this process 2-3 times until it cools to room temperature.
(b) if the mixture is lumpy, please do not panic. Strain it and the mixture will be smooth again. And at the same time, the straining process will cool the mixture.Two tasks done in one go!
(c) Other than vanilla, you can also use other flavours.I've tried mint essence and it tasted perfectly yummy.
4. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy for approximately 7 minutes.
5. Then add the completely cooled flour mixture and continue beating until the frosting combines perfectly. It took me about 2-3 minutes. Just beat it until it resembles smooth whipped cream and looks pipeable. You can now add colouring if you like.

Hasilnya kok nga sesuai harapanku ya, yang ada difikiranku rasa dan teksturnya akan mirip dengan diplomat (whip cream yang di campur vla), ternyata engak. Teksturnya masih berat dan agak terasa pahit di lidah. Lain kali aku ingin modifikasi menggunakan tepung maizena yang di campur kuning telur, jadi vla yang dicampur dengan butter dan gula kastor.

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