Coffee chiffon cake:
(If you can’t bake 2 pans at once, separate this part into 2)
6 egg whites (from Grade A eggs weighing 65gm shells on)
100gm sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar (aku : mengunakan perasan air lemon 1 sdm sebagai pengganti cream of tar tar)
Coffee layer
3 egg yolks (aku: 6 butir)
50gm sugar (aku: 120 gr)
30gm vegetable oil (aku: 80 gr)
60gm cake flour (aku: 150 gr terigu protein sedang)
30ml hot water (aku: 80 ml)
2 tsp instant coffee (Nescafe Classic) (aku: 4 sendok teh)
Chocolate layer
3 egg yolks
50gm sugar
30gm vegetable oil
45gm all purpose flour
15gm cocoa powder
30ml water
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
(If you can’t bake 2 pans at once, separate this part into 2)
6 egg whites (from Grade A eggs weighing 65gm shells on)
100gm sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar (aku : mengunakan perasan air lemon 1 sdm sebagai pengganti cream of tar tar)
Coffee layer
3 egg yolks (aku: 6 butir)
50gm sugar (aku: 120 gr)
30gm vegetable oil (aku: 80 gr)
60gm cake flour (aku: 150 gr terigu protein sedang)
30ml hot water (aku: 80 ml)
2 tsp instant coffee (Nescafe Classic) (aku: 4 sendok teh)
3 egg yolks
50gm sugar
30gm vegetable oil
45gm all purpose flour
15gm cocoa powder
30ml water
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Prepare 2 8-inch pans (aku mengunakan dua loyang diameter 28 cm dengan tinggi 4
cm), line the base with baking paper. Preheat oven at 150(fan)/170C.
2. Prepare coffee layer mixture. Melt coffee granules in hot water. Let it cool down and combine with the rest of the ingredients until smooth. Set aside and do the meringue.
3.Prepare the chocolate layer mixture. Mix cocoa powder with very hot
water. Let it cool down and combine with the rest of the ingredients until
smooth. Set aside and do the meringue.
4.Weigh egg whites and record the weight. (keep in mind weight of egg
whites + sugar)
5. Beat egg whites until frothy, add in cream of tartar and beat until soft
peaks. Gradually put in sugar and beat until stiff (hooked peak).
6. Remove half the meringue (be accurate by weighing) and fold into the coffee mixture.
7. Fold the balance of meringue into the chocolate mixture.
8. Pour both batter into prepared pans and bake for 30 mins.
9. Remove from oven and place on rack. After a short while, gently release the sides and let cake cool down totally in pan.
2. Prepare coffee layer mixture. Melt coffee granules in hot water. Let it cool down and combine with the rest of the ingredients until smooth. Set aside and do the meringue.
6. Remove half the meringue (be accurate by weighing) and fold into the coffee mixture.
8. Pour both batter into prepared pans and bake for 30 mins.
9. Remove from oven and place on rack. After a short while, gently release the sides and let cake cool down totally in pan.
Tiramisu Vla Krim (sumber: sajian
sedap) :
250 ml susu cair (aku: 500 ml)
20 gram gula pasir (aku: 40 gr)
50 gram keju cheddar parut (aku: 100 gr)
20 gram tepung maizena dan 2 sendok makan air, dilarutkan untuk pengental (aku: 40 gr dan 4 sdm air)
50 gram whipcream bubuk (aku: 200 gr)
100 ml air es (aku: 400 ml)
1 sendok teh cokelat bubuk untuk taburan (aku: 2 sdt)
4 tetes esen tiramisu
250 ml susu cair (aku: 500 ml)
20 gram gula pasir (aku: 40 gr)
50 gram keju cheddar parut (aku: 100 gr)
20 gram tepung maizena dan 2 sendok makan air, dilarutkan untuk pengental (aku: 40 gr dan 4 sdm air)
50 gram whipcream bubuk (aku: 200 gr)
100 ml air es (aku: 400 ml)
1 sendok teh cokelat bubuk untuk taburan (aku: 2 sdt)
4 tetes esen tiramisu
Cara membuat:
Kocok krim bubuk, esen tiramisu, dan air es sampai
mengembang. Dinginkan dalam lemari es.
Rebus susu cair dan gula pasir
sambil diaduk sampai mendidih. Tambahkan keju cheddar parut. Aduk rata.
Kentalkan dengan larutan tepung maizena. Masak sampai meletup-letup. Matikan
Tuang sedikit-sedikit ke kocokan
krim sambil dikocok perlahan. Vla siap digunakan
Tiramisu cream cheese butter cream :
200 gr hollman softcream
200 ml dairy whipcream
100 ml susu cari fullcream
180 gr keju cheddar, parut.
400 gr blue band margarine
30 ml susu kental manis putih
2 sachet capucino bubuk (ayak dan
buang yang kasarnya)
1 sdm nescafe classic
Masak dengan api kecil keju,
whipcream, susu cair, capucino bubuk, dan nescafe clasic hingga keju larut,
matikan api, dinginkan. Setelah dingin mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi selama 5
menit. Lalu masukkan softcream, margarine, dan susu kental manis. Mixer hingga
creamy. Cream siap digunakan.
sebauh cake, semprotkan bagian atas cake (sejajar pinggiran cake) dengan butter
cream yang telah dimasukkan ke plstik segitiga. Kemudian tuang vla dibagian
tenggahnya lalu ratakan. Tutup lagi dengan cake dan olesi seluruh permukaan
cake dengan butter cream. Masukkan ke kulkas 10 menit, kemudian tutup dan
rapikan lagi dengan butter cream. Lalu dekor sesukanya.
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